Thursday, July 1, 2010

There Is Not A Fitting Title For This Post.

There are hardly words for how the night went. Either none of you prayed for me or I'm being cursed. Probably the latter. And it's probably because of the intense bad feelings I harbor for the people across the border that cramp my style every single day here in El Paso, so I probably deserve it.

And so, to avoid profanity (because using those words are about the only way to fully explain how horrible last night was) I will not be telling you how awful it went.

The End.


  1. You poor thing. If it makes you feel any better i was up last night with a sick baby. Good luck tonight.

  2. I am sorry it has been crazy for you guys moving. I hope it goes quickly and you can move in and finally relax in your own rooms. I am praying for you and no your not cursed. The hard times make us stronger and I know you will be stronger because of it all. Serious let me know how I can help you.

  3. Oh LAUREN! I am sorry you had a bad night. You can use profanity, it doesn't bother me. JK! JK! So anyway I am so glad I found your blog! I will be keeping tabs on you! :) I can't believe you are a mom!!! I want to meet your little one so badly! Hopefully one day! I hope life gets a little better soon, it should.
