Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ever Had A Bad Day???

This is how I feel today.

Really, I shouldn't complain here because to be honest- I never have bad days! I guess that's why today stinks. Everything has piled up!

Technically, it started last night. I started getting a sore throat and could not for the life of me beat Bowser's Castle on Mario Brothers 3 (the old school one). Finally got too frustrated and turned it off!

This morning, I woke up feeling like total poop. Achy, sore throat, mucous drainage, headache, the whole shabang. Yesterday, I switched my shift at work so that I could work the afternoon instead of the morning. I did that because I had an appointment with my OB/ GYN for a dysfunctional IUD and too many CC's of fluid in my left ovary, along with a simple cyst. (Nice.)

Derek, being a sweet husband, wakes up and feeds the baby and lets me sleep. I overslept. I had only a little while until my doctor's appointment and still had a bunch of things to do. Sweet Derek ironed my scrubs and helped me get ready. I leave a little late. I am circling the doctor's building and could not find a place to park. It's located down town where there are parking garages and paid entries and too much traffic. Blah. Tried calling the doctor's office and kept getting the automated system. Sometimes you just want to talk to a REAL PERSON... Finally found the parking garage and went to press the button for a ticket. Couldn't reach it. Had to put my car in park, unbuckle, open the door and get my ticket. I'm holding up cars behind me. When I shut the door, I somehow managed to shut my hair in the door. I find a parking space and get to the stairs. I go up. And up. And up. Only to find dead ends and about 10 floors more above me. So I go down. And down again. I see another 5 floors or so below me. So I go back up. Only to open the door of the stairs and see my car right in front of me. Square one. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This is the general area where bad words floated around in my head.)

Exasperated, I asked a lady in the parking garage where the devil the elevators are. She pointed me in the right direction. I hit the "up" button and waited forever!!!! Hello!!! Of 4 elevators you would think at least ONE was going UP! Finally made it up and got to the doctor's office. I signed in and the girl cannot find my name anywhere on the schedule. I'm thinking, "Oh please. Do not let this day get worse..." I told her that my boss is a doctor and referred me to this physician. She tells me she'll work it out and call me in a second. I told her I spoke with a girl named Katherine.

Katherine calls me up. Says, "I'm sorry, but you made the appointment with another doctor here, not the one you say you did." I was confused. I told her that I had specifically asked if this doctor was accepting new patients and she had told me yes. I let her know that I had a pending appointment with a different physician and if I had known all of this, I'd have kept my other appointment. *Sigh* She proceeded to go over our conversation again, except there was just one problem. I had never had that conversation with her! She must have confused me with another patient she spoke with yesterday so I told her never mind and that I'd just go. Tears in my eyes and frustrated as heck, I made the trek back down the elevator, through the parking garage and to my car. The worst part? I was there for 5 minutes and still had to pay for parking!!!!!

I get home to find the door locked. I use my key and the other deadbolt is locked. I knock. No answer. I knock louder. No answer. I freaking beat the door down and Derek comes to it, wet and naked. Haha. He was in the shower and couldn't hear me knock until I pounded the heck out of it! For a while, I thought I was going to get stuck outside until he finished his shower and could hear me knock.

So now I'm in bed, feelin poopy and hope that tomorrow is a better day! I'm glad I've got my sweet boys to take care of me, though. Maybe all I need is a little TLC and I'll feel awesome tomorrow.


  1. oh yeah! I hate dr.'s offices...they are never willing to work w/ me. the dumb receptionists....they never know what to say or what to do when you are having a bad day & it is the last straw. I am going through that now. ugh. anyways, I love you Lauren...

  2. :( those kinds of days suck! hope you have a better day tomororw. is the doctor you tried to schedule with Dr. Brandl by any chance?

  3. I think you just described my day yesterday!! Dang... Hope it gets better tomorrow.

  4. Yes, Emme! So this Dr. Brandl must have a bad track record, eh?

  5. Haha, Lauren. I know it was rotten for you, but it made for one hilarious read. And, thanks for making my day look great by comparison.
    I enjoy your blog often, by the way, but mostly I just lurk.

  6. I really hate days like that... some times they come too much. It would be nice if we could have a little note from heaven saying okay now these poopy things are going to happen so get ready. I hope all goes well with your future Dr. visits.
