Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tattoos and Haircuts

Derek decided it would be lovely to give me this tattoo the other night while I was relaxing on the bed, trying to blog. I actually like it! But showers eventually occur and off it came. If anyone needs a good temporary tattoo, though- I know just who you could ask!

Also, I decided to get a haircut. Yes, a haircut. I probably average 1 haircut every 3 years. I go in, thinking probably a few inches off would be good. To my collar bone, please- I tell the lady. Weeeeellll, apparently that was a lot more than a few inches and she convinces me it would be a waste of hair if I didn't cut the entire 10 inches to donate to Locks of Love. It was her lucky day because I happened to feel especially generous that day (and I was sweating from the intense heat outside and less hair sounded like an excellent option at the moment). Alright, do it- I told her. And she cut 11 inches off. Welp?

So, here I am. Apparently I look very young still (I hear when I'm older this will be a very good thing. At the present time, I just look like a teenage mom. At least I blend in here in El Paso) and when I mentioned to the lady that I had just dropped off my baby, she asked how old I was. We began talking and I told her how I had given my hair to Locks of Love once before when I was about 14 and a Sophomore in high school. But what reeeally got me was when I said, "yeah, it was almost 10 years ago..." So I do the math in my head and considering I'm now 23 and if you subtract 14 from that you INDEED get 9 years, that is wild. Speaking of young- when I was 17 and wandering around Costco with my dad, I meandered over to a sample station (why else would a 17 year old go putting around Coscto?) and as I reached for a sample the lady asks, "how old are you?". I then say, "oh fine, thanks! How are YOU?" and continue to reach for the sample. She stops me and says "How OLD are you?". Oh. "I'm seventeen", I say. "Where are your parents?" Uhhhhh. "Dad? Dad!" and I motion him over. He looks at me like "What?". So yes. My dad had to vouch for me to the sample lady at Costco. BTW, hanging from her sample station was a sign that read "Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult due to risk of food allergies". Hmmmm. 12? Bah. Oh yes and after my haircut, Jordan says "She looks like she's 12!". Thanks, Jord.

Now, I've decided there are some definite perks to this new do and it's chopped off counterpart. For example:

You can place the chopped off counterpart on your husband's head, making him look like he has hair. More hair, I mean. It looks like a real wig!

You can wear this hair in so many different 10 year old styles! Style # 1: The Upper (as we called it growing up) In fact, this was the style I sported today, thank you.

Style # 2: Piggy Tails . For the YOUNGEST of the looks.

And lastly, I introduce Style # 3: The Gross Headless Ponytail (For the jokesters)

After I'd gotten my haircut, I had the ponytail in a plastic bag so I could send it in to Locks of Love. I hung it on our key rack that's right by the front door. I pulled my hair back into this itty bitty ponytail so Derek couldn't tell I'd cut my hair. When he came home, he asked, "Did you cut your hair?" (Because my bangs looked shorter) I said, "No. But look inside this bag!" And his face was priceless! When I showed him my hair, he loved it! (Thank goodness.) So, anyway- for the next little while I'll have this nasty looking headless ponytail that I can play jokes on people with. HmmmHmmmHmmm.


  1. Cute hair!!
    You do look like you are only about 12! :0~
    Just kidding so do worries

  2. Ok I don't think I have laughed this hard in a really long time. woooooo...Derek looks HILARIOUS!!! And you, gorgeous as always!!! Love love love!

  3. I think you look like a hot momma!!! I can't wait until I can cut my hair.
