Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Have Internet!

These pictures are long overdue! They're mostly from our trip to Taylor, AZ back in July. This is Titan and his only cousin (for now) on the Hargrove side. By his 1st birthday, he'll have 2 more cousins!

I must have caught this one at the right moment because he never makes this face on purpose! Although it does illustrate the attitude he had almost the entire time we were there.

Does anyone else think these things are awesome, yet make your child disgustingly messy afterwards?

Isn't this baby so beautiful? (I am biased, of course)

I LOVE the view from Grandma Karen's backyard-especially as the sun is rising!

We got up early and went to see the new puppies and take a walk around the back porch.

Titan is quite the smarty pants.

He climbs up all over the furniture and all over whoever is holding him. He even took a couple of steps along the bed the other day! He keeps us busy, that's for sure.

Life is great over here! Derek has passed his ASVAB and his AFAST with flying colors. For any of you who aren't familiar with these, the ASVAB is the basic Army test which you need a 30 to pass. A 99 is a perfect score. Derek got a 98! The AFAST is the flight aptitude test for him to become a pilot. You need a 90 to pass. He got a 128. Amazing! The only thing he has to pass now is his physical, which he'll probably have next week. Pray for him! In the meantime, I'll be working part-time for our family. My old job offered me a position, which we feel was a blessing. It's only about 17 hours a week, but that's great because I'm still a breastfeeding mom and my baby comes before any job. I'll have weekends off, too which means I can spend time with my boys. Titan now says "Da!" when he wants Derek's attention, which tells me he now knows that Da is Dad. He cracks us up- we love this little guy! Life is good. Always is.


  1. Great work Derek! Congrats on the job offer too that is awesome!!!

  2. Lauren, you're so positive and inspiring:) Titan's eyes are amazing, seriously, amazing. You don't need to be biased to realize this baby is cute:) And congratulations to Derek, that's awesome news!

  3. Titan sure is cute and your photos are fabulous!
