Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said...

And I'm not talking about the end of the world, which actually should be happening in about 12 and a half hours.

In 10 days (granted we are still on the Earth...haha), we will be driving away to Georgia. I found out that my local grocery store will be the Piggly Wiggly (if I don't go to the commissary), and that 96 degrees with 40% humidity is what the weather is like this week (so I can only imagine what it'll be like in July!). I found that my church building is 14 minutes from my complex and that my ward meets at 11 am (9 am El Paso time). I found out that in Georgia, 62% of people are Anglo, 28% are African American, 1% is American Indian, 4% are Asian, and roughly 5% is classified as "other". I found out the tornado activity in the city I'm going to is 74% higher than the average city in the U.S. (awesome.) 52% of people in my new city are Baptist, and that the most popular first name is "James", and the most popular last name is "Smith". It was #98 on the list of "Top 100 least-safe cities" (haha- I will be using my dead-bolt!). Jo-ja, here we come!


  1. we're still here! did el Paso survive armegeddon? I'm excited for you guys and your new adventure, keep me posted on Georgian tendencies. (its one of my top states to live in) (i love humidity) p.s. where did el Paso rank on that list?

  2. The world didn't end so it looks like you are going. :-/ At least it wasn't number 1! You will be ok. You will totally learn to love it. You may never love the humidity but the east coast is very green and pretty. Plus Atlanta has a lot of stuff to do!

  3. i'm so excited for you to have this adventure! i'm sure you'll love it :)

  4. sounds like so much fun. I hope your travels go well and your little guy is a trooper.
