Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm baaaack!

I have been without internet until TODAY so I'm glad to be back in the blogging world! You never realize how much you rely on the internet until uh, let's don't have it! So here is us as of late:

We didn't get a good night's sleep before this picture was taken so...please excuse the way I look!

We made the 11 hour drive to Terrell, TX (just outside of Dallas) the first day and we were exhausted. The next morning we headed for Montgomery, Alabama which was only 2 hours from our final destination but we had just done about a 12 hour drive with a child that had a fever and was breaking 3 new molars (which equaled stop and go, stop and go over and over and over!) so we parked it at a hotel and made the 2 hour drive to Georgia the next day. We were so glad to be "home"! Our apartment is old as heck (unbeknownst to us) but there is something homey about it. The door doesn't shut right, the oven looks like it belongs in my great-grandma's old house and the kitchen is beautifully decorated with peach and pear wallpaper. But we love it! It's kind of like on Miss Congeniality when she has to shove a wooden spoon into the door of her microwave for it to work. Ha. We've decorated it so that it is nice and cozy, though! Here are some pictures:

This is a picture of the birthday present my hubby got me! It's kind of a present for the whole family, too : )

A view of our kitchen from the living room.

The dining area.

Living room area.

More living room area.

I haven't taken pictures of the bedrooms yet for some reason. But our apartment is 800 more square feet than our other apartment, so we aren't always sure how to fill in the spaces! (Which is good because less junk is better, especially when you know you'll be moving often over the next few years.)

This place is most definitely NOT El Paso. There are only a handful of Mexican restaurants, which really taste a little Tex-Mexy but they're not too bad. There are a TON of Chinese restaurants and a PLETHORA of fried food buffets. Did you get that? BUFFETS. We have received coupon after coupon in the mail for "Buy one get one buffet free" and in the fine print it says "Includes fried fish, fried chicken, baked chicken, french fries, salad and a drink". Holy fried. And yet there are a thousand more obese people in El Paso than here. And hey- everyone here speaks English! It's...strange. : ) However, there are a lot of African Americans and Honkey Tonks here and with their accents, they are equally difficult to understand. Overall though, we are enjoying it here! No complaints from the Hargrove end! (Is that new or what?!)

Some pictures for fun:

This is Derek bobbing his head out of the water, but behind him is our apartment complex.

A sign I saw while filling up with gas in Mississippi.

Titan and Dad at the local motorcycle store which happens to basically be our neighbor! Derek was thrilled : )

Titan watching his favorite Sesame Street DVD grandma gave him. I wonder if he could get any closer to the TV.

He discovered the old Mario Brothers game at a place here called Trade n Play (like GameStop) and wanted to dink around with the controller the entire time.

One of the first places Derek wanted to go to was PetLand (haha) so we took out a baby Boxer and let him nearly eat us up. That was the stinkin most hyper dog I've ever seen!!!

Before Leaving El Paso:

Derek lighting my birthday cake with trick candles!

Saying goodbye to family for the next little while.

Grandpa reading to Titan.

Freestylin it at grandma and grandpa's pool.

The girls and the grandbabies.

Grandma taking Titan on his first train ride. He loved it and he had a cart all to himself. He just sat there and looked around!

We are looking forward to having visitors so if any of you are looking for something to do, come visit me! And to my dear family, I miss you and am so excited to see you! I'm getting fat over here because I keep eating at the local restaurants so that I'll know where to take you when you come! Ha!

The End.


  1. Good to hear you're doing well:) i love all the pictures but, by far, the best one is naked titan haha. those cheeks!!

  2. i can't believe you survived that long drive!!! and your apartment looks so cute!! wanna come to chicago and help me decorate mine... i think we might have matching stoves :)

  3. Welcome to the south girl!!! I miss good southern comfort food. They don't have a lot of that in AZ. I hate driving for that long. It took us FOREVER to get from VA to AZ and the drive was LAME! Your house is super cute. I'm glad you are getting settled in!!
