Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time for Happiness

The cat is out of the bag.

I'm 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Who knew??? (Danica...)

I was actually pretty good at keeping it a secret! Our pregnancy was not planned. We weren't trying, just not avoiding. A couple of days before we found out, we decided to kick up the protection level so we don't get pregnant until September or so. And such is life...

We were excited nonetheless. And when I made an appointment with the doctor here in Georgia, I was almost an entire month further along than I realized. Still can't figure out how I missed that... ha. So we saw that little jumping bean this morning and here she/he is: (we think it's a girl, who will be named Claire Elise Hargrove. Yeah, we have had names picked out for like a year. We're weird.)

I had an appointment 2 weeks ago and they didn't really specify why they wanted me to come back so soon. They had seen an abnormality in the ultrasound. When I went in today, she had explained that it looked like I had 2 gestational sacs in there (twins?!). Yikes. But there was no baby in the second sac. So she went on to say it must have been what's called a subchorionic hemorrhage when there is blood between the uterine wall and chorionic membrane. (??? It's jibberish to me, too). The "twin" cell runs rampant through both of my parents' blood lines so I was fearing the worst but a little bit secretly masochistically excited like, "Bring it on!". Yeah, forget the bring it on. I realized I'm not sure I could have done that. Not right now.

So since I wasn't planning on this baby, part of me would get a little down and think, "I can hardly take care of myself! How can I do everything right to take care of this baby in my belly?!" And my stress level has been so high that I can feel my pelvic pain go wild and often wonder if I will lose this child if I'm not careful. But today at my appointment (after an obviously sad and pathetic night last night. Thank you for all your wonderful words of encouragement- you have no idea how much they make me smile and uplift me) I realized I was SO excited for this appointment today. If nothing else but to get my mind off of feeling lonely. I have two babies now! And one in South Carolina. What a beautiful thing! Our little family will have doubled in 3 years!

And as I came home from this appointment I realized how this baby is not a hinderance at all, but it's giving me a reason to hang on and realize that it's time for some happiness around here.


  1. YAY! Good luck! I am so excited for you! If you feel like crying just laugh. I do it all the time. :) We are often a circus but it keeps me busy and happy most of the time.

  2. Congratulations! That's so awesome. And no more stress. It's bad for the baby. ;-)

  3. Yay! I can't wait to have another nephew/niece! :) I'm excited! I was pregnant the whole time Garrett was gone(granted, I had mom and dad) but it was still hard and very stressful! I can't imagine doing it alone AND having a 18 month old to care for also. Hang in there! You rock! Love you!

  4. You are going to be one busy momma but its going to be so fun. So excited for you guys!

  5. YAY! I am so excited! Our family is growing and it is so fun! I know that you are so stressed and sad. Keep your chin up and just remember that you have so many things to be thankful for! These are the times that really help put life into perspective!
    I love you and pray for your everyday and night! You are strong ! YOU ARE STRONG! YOU CAN DO THIS!! YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS! You go my girl!!!

  6. Congrats Lauren!!! That is totally awesome! And I love the name that you guys picked for a girl. I hope all is going well!

  7. how wonderful and exciting!! i'm so happy for you. i hope it's a girl too and claire is such a beautiful name. i think we already talked about this, but claire is my favourite name too :)

  8. congrats on the new one!! Isn't that just the way life goes?? Oh well! So exciting though! And good luck with getting that girl! =) cute name!

  9. Congrats! 2 kids is crazy, but a lot of fun! Good Luck with everything! By the way, my blog went private a while back, if you guys want an invite email me at jadcox(@)
