Friday, June 24, 2011

A Random Assortment of Things.

Thank you guys for your comments on my last post. You guys gave me the confidence-boost that I needed, which helped me feel like I really can do it. Knowing that I have great friends and family to help me along the way makes the journey much easier and enjoyable.

Well, I was fartin around getting ready for the day and decided to grace my pits with some deod (pronounced: dee-ode. We've always called it this in the Sikora family for some reason.) Deodorant has at times been a sore spot for me. My puberty-strucken body decided to go haywire in High School and I began to sweat like a faucet. This was obviously humiliating and I prayed to PLEASE take this curse away! And away it went! But the usual problems remained. What is a good deodorant that will help me not to sweat too bad and won't make me stinky when I do? I've gone through many. And I have found this one to be the best. Try it! (Even my husband uses it.)

Also, I wanted to share a cool idea! A few months ago, my husband and I took a vacation to San Antonio. There was an Anthropologie in a shopping center by where we were staying. I keep hearing hype about this store (which seemed way out of my price range and was too trendy for me- sorry but $75 dollars for a skirt "on sale" is just plain ridiculous). I walked in and didn't fall in love with their out of this world expensive clothing line...but I DID find myself obsessed with their home decorating section, whose prices were pretty awesome! I found these hooks and thought it would be fun to hang these above the stove with a mug. So that's just what I did!

The hooks were $8 and the mugs were $6. Not bad! We use our cups all the time and we don't have to go digging through the cupboards to find a clean cup. My husband told me the other day, "This was a good idea to put those mugs here!" so I thought maybe some of you would like to do it, too! I didn't end up putting them over the stove because they re-did the backsplash which consists of actual tile and grout. (It was easier to hang them over the sink). Anthropologie also had a ton of cute vintage doorknobs (some of them were $2!) and bath towel hooks. They have a plethora of affordable, cute things for the home with a lot of bright and fun colors. But in my opinion, you would have to go to an actual store because looking online, I found some not-so-cute things that were not-such-a-good-price. Have a good day!


  1. I LOVE Antho Home!!! I think I want to buy these little colored bowls. They are just so cute and really reasonable! It would make me happy eating out of a little colorful bowl. The kids too! If they break oh well, it was only 2.50. PS I am totally going to try that deod.

  2. I had the SAME problem in high school. It was awful. And praying about it didn't help me. But Certain Dri did. That stuff is amazing. It makes it so you don't sweat. At all. And now I use Tom's of Maine deodorant. I don't like how all the antiperspirants have aluminum in them. So I go a little more of the natural way. Apricot smells yummy. My hubby uses it too, but I think I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Oops. :)
