Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Final Countdown!

It's actually pretty sad. This is our final week together as the Hargrove family in civilian life...for the next 6 years! Part of me is excited for the new places we will see and new things we will experience. I can only hope (but I guess ultimately I choose) that these experiences will help us to grow! Derek reports to South Carolina on Monday and I will be reunited with him for only a short period of time in September. Then he will come back here to Ft. Benning to do his Officer Candidate School (which is why we are here, so he can be with us on weekends) until the end of November. And then it's off to Sierra Vista, AZ or Enterprise, AL. All this moving really makes you purge your house of junk you don't need. Trust me, hauling the necessary items is difficult enough. You don't want to drag more things with you!

I was zipping around the house this morning cleaning up things and I found myself wheeling an umbrella stroller into Titan's bedroom with one hand, balancing a sippy cup and a plastic dinosaur in the other and having a hundred more things to put away once I walked into his bedroom and noticed the disaster area. I thought to myself: "Wow, imagine doing this with TWO kids!" So that is another frightening fact I have to face. Being a military wife with a husband gone and having multiple children. Scary! I'm such a wimpy mother, how will I ever do it!? But the thing is, if we are only going to be in for 6 years, I should probably take advantage of the next-to-nothing cost of having children. 6 years should be enough time to pop them all out, lose my sanity and then regain it back, right? Let's hope so. And let's hope I can look as chipper as this guy all the time and have his attitude...


  1. You're one tough cookie Lauren! Good luck on your guys' adventure.

  2. Wow what a life you are going to have my friend. But you are strong and will be so good! Good luck in your upcoming adventures. I hope Derek survives that awful bootcamp! :D

  3. you are a very strong and motivated person and will handle everything just fine. i always admired your positive attitude (haha i actually just wrote attiturd). But just to clarify...was that a pregnancy announcement?

  4. wow! good luck with your exciting adventures!!! can't wait to see all those cute babies :)

  5. Girllllll! I am loving all these blog posts but my heart goes out to you guys. if anyone could pull something like this off though it is Lauren Sikora. Mike is going to be joining the navy if he gets into med school because they pay for your tuition. We are gonna be moving all over the place too in the next 10 years...So I will again be turning to you for advice. so excited for you guys! Good Luck!!!

  6. The moving sucks but you have to make sacrifices for the future well-being of your family. You can do it! If you come to AZ we have to meet up! Sierra Vista is only about 3.5 hours. We could meet half way!? Anyway, you will be able to have all kinds of babies and handle it. You're a mom! That's your superpower ;)

  7. What a fun crazy life you're getting into.
