Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holy Belly!

This belly is a champ. It's been stretched, poked, rubbed, kissed & squished. It has done quite the transformation since we first found out I was pregnant.

About 3 weeks pregnant

8 weeks pregnant

12 weeks pregnant

Almost 16 weeks pregnant

18 weeks pregnant

About 20 weeks pregnant

24 weeks pregnant

26 weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant

Almost 36 weeks pregnant

And finally, this is my latest photo. It was when I was just 2 days shy of 38 weeks.

I am now 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant so I'm trying to convince this little one that she can come out ANY DAY NOW...

Wish us luck!


  1. such a cute belly. hope the next few weeks goes okay for you.

  2. That is one.hott.bump! My belly is baby-less and full of jiggliness! I just saw your fb status and am hoping those hospital mama's have their babies and get out of their to make way for your little one! Good luck with getting induced if she doesn't come beforehand!!! (My induction took 23 hours but hopefully your body will go much quicker!)
