Sunday, July 4, 2010

Finally : )

Well guys, we've finally moved in to our new apartment. Can I just say that it makes a gigantic difference having a room your child can call his own? (Well, he doesn't technically speak yet. But I can call it his own for him). Speaking of speaking...I've been teaching this little guy to say "mama". My MOM even teaches him to say "mama". And guess what word he says? Dada. WHAT?! He says Wow, Dada and Baba. I'm aaaalways saying "wow" to him and I'm always calling him "baby" so that would explain the wow and baba but, dada? Lucky Derek! As much as I joke here, it actually makes me feel good that he said Dada first. Derek is such a great hubby and dad.

Another thing:

Happy Fourth of July! I've often stopped and thought about how ridiculously lucky (I mean BLESSED) we are to live in the United States. I learned in a seminary class in high school that if you:
1. Are in a family whose parents are NOT divorced
2. Live in a house
3. Have 2 or more cars in the driveway AND...
4. Live in the United States of America
You are among a whopping 1 % of people in this world who have all of these things. Makes you feel a little luckier, doesn't it?

Here's to America and here's to freedom, guys. And it came with a gigantic price tag so make sure you thank those who paved this way for you!

P.S. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I have an adapter that transfers pictures from my SD card to my Mac and it's somewhere in a box. But when I find it and get a chance to put pictures up, I will!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren! I'm glad you found my blog and I'm glad you got your own apartment and that Titan has his own room now! Also, don't feel bad--I think all babies say Dada first. It's kind of insulting, I know, but I think they actually can't help it because it's easier to say than "Mama" from a speech development perspective. Anyway, I'm so glad you guys are doing well! It's fun to catch up with people in the blogging world. :)
