Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Adventures of Mr. Cockroach.

Last night, while sleeping peacefully, I heard my guitar strum at around 4 AM. I was a little hazy from being sleepy and then I realized, "What made that noise?! How could anything but a human hand STRUM on my guitar?!". I was a little scared out of my wits for a while and refused to turn my back to the guitar. But I didn't see anyone in my house and when I worked up the courage to turn my cell phone light on and investigate a little, I still saw nothing. I was in a complex all morning wondering what on earth made the strumming noise!!!! And no, it wasn't part of my dream...

Well, I got up around 7:30 and realized that baby Titan was still sleeping. So, with my increasingly shrinking bladder, I headed to the pot. As I'm about to take a seat, I see HIM. Mr. Cockroach, relaxing his little life away in my bathtub. By the way- the cockroaches here are bigger than I've ever seen them. Forget the "Everything's bigger in Texas" saying. It doesn't apply to bugs. I got a cup and a piece of paper, scooped him up and sent him FLYING across the hallway in front of my front door. He came scrambling back my direction but I have yet to see him. I wondered if he had been the one who dinked the guitar in the night (or was possibly inside it...gross).

Oh well. The bug man is coming tomorrow so BYE BYE COCKROACHES.

On a more positive note, I put Titan to bed earlier than usual just to see if he'd sleep longer (it has always worked in the past). He slept from 7 pm to 9 am! It was great. I was up for an hour and a half, just reading a book and relaxing until I heard him. He woke up SO happy and I have to say- I will be putting him to bed at 7 more often. Try it! I think a lot of moms keep their kids up later because they think they'll be extra exhausted and sleep in later. But I think kids get overly tired and end up getting crummier, shorter sleep when they stay up late. And he is going on his 3rd hour of nap, which is why I can blog!

Hope everyone's well- expect more posts soon!


  1. ha ha ha ha ewwwwww..it was probably the one that almost ate Colin on your back porch!! Maybe you better sleep with one eye open! ha ha ha ha

  2. oops that was me and not Sher...don't know why it is logged in to her account..sorry
