Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Gay Mormon Guy.


I have stumbled across this blog before in the past. And I read up a bit on it again today. I am so impressed by this person. He remains anonymous, of course, but I wish I could give him a big high five. I feel like in the church, there are many people who struggle with same-sex-attraction, a temptation to do drugs, drink alcohol, or be involved in immoral activities. But why are these topics never brought up? I feel like by avoiding them, two things happen. 1: The people with the desire to be involved in these things end up chasing their desires and possibly ultimately leaving the church and 2: Members who don't fall victim to these things end up judging those who do. Obviously this creates more negativity and absence of love than Heavenly Father would ever want for His children.

In this blog, , this person talks about the struggle he faces as not only someone with SSA (same-sex-attraction) but as a faithful member of the LDS church. He knows it would be easier to live in a place like San Francisco and chase men, seeing as that is a place that widely accepts gay LDS people, but he is true to his faith and is truly trying to "Endure to the End".

Incredible story. Do yourself a favor and read a post or two. You won't be disappointed.

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