Monday, June 4, 2012

How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You.

Wow, I haven't been on here for a while! I keep meaning to blog, but end up forgetting or just being lazy and not doing it. But this, I had to share.

Saturday afternoon, our house was a bit sleepy. The kids were down for naps, so Derek and I decided to sneak away upstairs for a nap as well. As he lay next to me, falling asleep, I just looked at him in amazement. How lucky am I to be loved by this incredible person. This God-fearing, family-loving, hard-working man who was just a 21 year old boy fresh off of his mission when I met him. I knew I loved him then...and I love him more than ever now. Reminiscing on the things we used to do & thinking about all the things we do now- we have more memories than anyone on the planet and I love that. We've had the craziest streak of bad luck since leaving the Army, but I realize every day that when the world is falling apart around us, we still have each other, and that will always be enough. I know people talk about soul mates being a false concept, but I disagree. At least for us.  I am so blessed to have such sweet people directly surrounding me in my life. Here's to my little family of four and the love I have for them. You guys make me the most proud wife & mom in the world. I love you!


  1. I do think that "soulmates" are not for everybody...lucky to have found yours...I know you and I are a lot alike in that department. hugs!!

  2. SO so so sweet. I love y'alls love story
