Thursday, June 14, 2012

Getting Lost.

Lately I've felt like being a mom has been the ultimate challenge for me. Why it is so hard, I don't know. It began with my two week long episode of post partum depression after giving birth to Titan, nearly two and a half years ago. Then it went away! I was a trooper. I loaded him up to take him to doctors appointments, the grocery store, and anywhere else I needed to go. Things were fun and groovy until he was 8 months old when I went back to work. Going to work was GREAT for me. I loved working. I loved getting to talk with adults and being able to help people throughout the day doing something I felt I was good at. Getting praise for my work, earning raises and seeing a good amount of money deposited into my bank account every two weeks was nice. And it was something that stay-at-home-moms never get. There are no "thank you's" for changing diapers, feeding picky eaters, scrubbing baby food out of the carpet, boiling binkies, putting screaming kids down for naps, wiping boogers, de-cluttering the house, scrubbing toilets, washing mirrors, beating out the rugs, making the bed, sweeping the floor, or vacuuming the house. There are no vacation days, even if you feel you've earned them. There's no two-weeks notice you give when you're mentally finished with this job. There's no boss to complain to about the system needing revamping. There's no trips to Starbucks every morning to ensure you stay awake. I don't drink coffee, but even if I did, I couldn't at the moment because I breastfeed. Which means any milk, chocolate, caffeine or spicy foods will destroy my baby's stomach, leaving me to deal with a ridiculously fussy baby in the 24 hours that follow rebellion. I've often said that the day I quit breastfeeding, I'm going to chug a huge glass of whole milk after snarfing down a couple of pieces of toast topped generously with Nutella. I realize this sounds like a whole lot of whining, but that isn't my intention. Taking care of kids doesn't "cramp my style", but it is simply a very challenging thing for me. Changing diapers doesn't bother me. Making grilled cheese sandwiches doesn't bother me. Holding babies doesn't bother me. Breastfeeding is great. Water fights with Titan are great. Going for walks in the wagon is a blast. But getting little to no sleep is pure Hell for me. I'm not a functioning person with no sleep. I'm cranky, depressed and unwilling/unable to do much without it. Top that with a teething 5 month old who doesn't sleep ANYWAY, and a 2 1/2 year old who thinks naps are going out of style and wants my attention 24/7, some days I'm fairly certain I'm about to lose my mind. I've decided I've sort of lost myself. I used to be a full-time student and I always loved school my entire life. I loved socializing and furthering my education. Those two things together are like a big breath of fresh air for me. But all of that sort of went away at the same time and now I'm wishing I could  (1) Finish the last 3 semesters of school that I have until I receive my Bachelor's Degree and/or (2) Find something I can do to feel fulfilled. Book club, going to the gym, swapping babysitting jobs with a friend, play dates, doing crafts, perfecting my love of photography, writing a book, working part-time, ANYTHING. I just want to feel like I'm an individual again, not ONLY a wife and a mom. It gets very tiring putting 3 people before yourself and sort of throwing yourself on the back burner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Okay, maybe 364 days a year since my birthday is thrown in there. : ) Thankfully, my husband is the bomb and does ALL KINDS OF STUFF around the house to help me out and is incredible with the kids. I don't know how some couples make it and how some moms do it without any extra help whatsoever. I can only imagine how tough that must be. But just as a battery can't help a product function without being fully charged, a mom can't very easily take care of an entire family on "drained batteries". I feel like I am so much more excited and energetic about taking care of the people I love most when I feel like I am uplifted and happy. This is probably why being a working mother was EASY for me. I could be the fun parent that fed and bathed Titan after my long shift at work, picked him up if he wanted to be held, rocked him if he wanted it, and so forth. Derek didn't want to do those things because Titan had just driven him to the brink of insanity the entire day, and they were confined to an 800 sq. ft. apartment. Derek obviously didn't feel like he could just call other moms to have playdates with the kids because that would just be weird. There weren't many stay-at-home dads, which made it even more difficult for him. So I guess what works for one, might not work for another. My life was great, his life was hard. Now his life is great and my life is hard. But I'm determined to make my "job as a mom" as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible. I need some suggestions on what I can do to reach that point, instead of feeling like a robot going through the motions with a 5 o'clock goal on the horizon every day. I can't live like that and neither can the kids. I'm hoping I make a discovery here real soon! 


  1. I know that we already discussed this at length this morning but as I was reading this something popped into my (tiny ) brain. I had a strong impression as I was reading that Heavenly Father is so very mindful of you right now. He is watching and pleading and laughing and crying with you. He understands. He is grateful for your willingness to care for "His" children for a while on this earth. When we look at the big picture and realize that 1. Even though there are days that feel like they will NEVER end, the time passes so fast and 2. You are doing such a great work in raising some of his children and teaching them to be good and honest and helpful and to be kind and generous and loving. He knows that motherhood is an extremely tall order. That is why he is ever near. Trust Him. Lean on Him.
    I love you and know that you have strength way beyond what you think you do. Test those muscles!

    1. Thanks Mom! That was good advice and I appreciate you giving your thoughts on it! I could use all the advice I can get! Love you.

  2. when you figure out the key to self fulfillment will you please let me know? :)
    just know you are not alone. i also think that you have been blessed with a gift to express your feelings that others ( me) can't seem to put into words. so it feels good to read what you write and know that i'm not wrong or alone.

  3. Hang in there girlfriend! I am right there with ya. Your mom's comment was so nice and exactly what I needed to hear too. My new goal is everyday when I wake up (lately 5:30) I try to have the attitude this too shall pass and to look for the sweet tender mercies of motherhood throughout the day instead of thinking I am beyond tired. After we are done breastfeeding we are totally taking a mom's trip! Love ya

  4. Something that we've done since Ellie was born is every saturday (can be moved to a different day if Justin has church meetings he needs to attend) Justin watches Ellie and I go out and do what ever I feel like doing for ME. I've gone to see a movie, read a book in a park, roamed book stores, got a pedicure, gone to the mall....just things that I wouldn't be able to do while watching her and things that help me relax. Justin pretty much expects me to be gone for a decent amount of time, but we honestly don't have a time frame because it's not fun to have to watch the clock when you are trying to relax and recharge your battery!! I also participate in a month book club with some friends that has been WONDERFUL! I am hoping that with the move to KS I find a fun group of gals who are also doing a book club! =) You can do it! It took me awhile, but once I found fun and amazing moms that were in need of some adult conversation rather than baby talk, =) things became fantastic!

  5. Lauren you are way tuff. Just keep telling yourself that and one of these days you will look in the mirror and think. "Holy Crap" how did I do that. I think all stay at home moms need to find something. This something can be anything but mostly it needs to be an idea or thought process. For the past few years I have really tried focusing and enjoying on the here and now idea. For me I am always waiting for tomorrow waiting for the next stage thinking life will be better when...
    I think no matter what a mom does to help her recharge herself, most importantly she needs to give herself some slack, not expect perfection (it is okay to run around town doing errands with no makeup hair a mess and maybe even smell a little), enjoy (maybe not enjoy but at least respect with a smile) the new shape and important function of our bodies, focus on the good things and all the things we accomplish in the day. Even when we are super tired from being up all night with the kids or who ever, so nothing in the house gets cleaned picked up and all that is made for dinner is a bowl of cold cereal we can be proud of ourselves for doing our job of nurturing our family.
    There is never going to be one specific thing that helps us moms. Each day is different and each challenging event effects us differently so the best way for us to know what will help us is through prayer. Our Heavenly Father knows each of us, what we can handle and what pushes us to our limits. He has the answers and gives us the comfort.
    I think you are doing a great thing for so many moms out there who feel some of the same feelings you blog about. You are a super mom!

  6. Lauren,
    This is exactly why every morning, I wake up, stretch, do three deep breaths and say my prayers. Then it's some scripture reading and out the door for my morning walk. This is the ONLY time that is ALL MINE! But for that little moment, it is something just for one else. Sure, it blesses the lives of my family members. They have a happier, more spiritually grounded, healthy mom, and without it, we all fall apart....haha. By the time, I get back, at least one if not all of them are awake, and chaos has ensued. So, that little moment of "me time" is the charging that my battery needs. Find something little like that to hang on to as you are on your search for your bigger hobby/etc. I'd love to have you come walk with us if you can. 6:15 am. (it will be 5:15am when school starts again) Hang in there, sweetie. You are not charting new territory...lots of us have felt the same way. You are not alone <3
