Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Office Part 2

I'm minding my own business, eating my S'mores Pop Tart (healthy, I know)-

Old Mexican Lady: Senorita...que estas comiendo? (What are you eating?)

Me: Uh...a Pop Tart? S'mores?

Old Mexican Lady: Que? (What?)

Me: Pop? Tart? (I was unsure of how to explain this in Spanish)

Old Mexican Lady: Como un pastry?

Me: Si, mas o menos (Yeah, more or less)

Old Mexican Lady: Oh. (And there she remained. Ogling over my breakfast like a sad & hungry puppy.)

So I give her a piece.

She examines it, making sure to flip it over and check it well before finally saying, "Gracias!" and took off.

It was super funny.

Again, minding my own business filling up a cup of water before eating lunch.

Cesar: Comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.

Me: What's up Cesar?

Cesar: Oof. You're so skinny. You don't look good.

Me: Thanks, Cesar. But my grandpa is 6'7" and super lanky. It just runs in my blood line. Plus, I'm nursing. It's not my fault.

Cesar: You need to eat!

Me: I do eat!

Cesar: Stanna, do you see how skinny she is? She doesn't look good.

I walk to the back to go to the bathroom...

Sonya: Hey! We were just talking about you and your crazy memory!

Lauren: I know. I have my VIN number memorized.

Sonya: Yeah! Remember when that one patient came in and you told her you memorized her social?

Lauren: I never did that. Maybe I told YOU I remembered her social, but I'd never tell a patient. That is psychotic.

Sonya: Yes, you did!

Patient on phone to Ida with strong Indian accent: Yes Ma'am, I need a study done STAT or I'll be going to the hospital

Ida: Excuse me? What study do you need done? Sir?

Patient: I really need this study done there or I'll have to go to the hospital

Ida: Sir! I cannot understand you!

Click. Ida hangs up phone.

Oh, the joy of punching out at the end of the day must be a better feeling for some than others. Ha.

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