Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Found It!

This smart guy has found out quite a few things, lately.

I haven't gotten a picture of it, but he now stands up in his crib- which is simultaneously hilarious and of utter annoyance. If we don't put him down when he is absolutely tired, he will just perk up and grab onto the sides so that only the top half of his face shows. It's so cute and you just want to take him out and play, but no can do.

Secondly, he has discovered that he is a boy! This also is a double edged sword. Ha. He squeezes that thing until it's about to pop and I have to slather it with Desitin to make sure it doesn't stay red and rashy! This picture was taken at the most perfect moment of discovery. It cracks me up- yet illustrates his feelings at the time so well!

He discovered that perching atop dad's little belly is also pretty fun.

And that splatting your hand in your million-degree-fresh-out-of-the-microwave baby food is something that should NEVER be done. It's hard to see, but he now has a blister that takes up the entire middle portion of his finger, and another red gash-looking would on his ring finger. It was heartbreaking, but he has yet to attempt it a second time!

Grandma helped him discover his love for paper bags! Man, if only you really could buy kids this cute from Sun Harvest...

He found his favorite hang-out place that he continues to go to time and time again at Grandma's house. The lower shelf with the ceramic pot full of chalk. I love when he gets in there, it cracks me up.

He also found that sharing his Puff treats is impossible. I asked him for one the other day while he had it in his hand and he extended it towards me as if to put it in my mouth, then psyched me out and quick shoved it into his mouth. Thanks for sharing.

And I have found that no matter how often I cut or file this baby's nails, they are still like needles and he LOVES to scratch! Ever since he was tiny he would find something to scratch. His covers, our skin (see picture!), boxes, toys... It's funny but it sure leaves a mark!

And last but not least, I thought this was such a cute picture. My dad was holding Titan and all he wanted to do was look over Chef Dad's shoulder and check out his cooking skills. My dad suggested we take a picture and I'm so glad we got one because these two are two peas in a pod. I love my Hargrove boys!


  1. Just wait till he pulls your freakin hot straightner off the counter and holds onto it. then throws it and it lands on his other arm.

  2. Your little guy is so funny. I love it.

  3. Lauren! I love reading your blog. The picture you posted of Titan in the tub made me start crying cause I was laughing so hard.... I gotta show my mom.
