Thursday, September 9, 2010

Not limited to 100

I am thankful for...

1. My five senses and how sharp each one is
2. Thick, green grass
3. A save haven when the busy day comes to an end
4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
5. The ability to be a mother, naturally
6. The opportunity to breastfeed my child
7. A husband who is everything I'd ever wished for and more
8. My education
9. Parents who raised me well
10. Generations of men in my family who have served their country
11. Dogs- especially Bulldogs, Great Danes, and Weimeraners
12. Tortillas and cheese
13. Fluffy carpet
14. The sunshine
15. Warmth when it's cold
16. My standard transmission 1997 Honda Civic that runs like a champ
17. Good smelling laundry detergent
18. My husband's imagination
19. Laughter and its contagiousness
20. Fruit- especially Ruby Red Grapefruit and strawberries
21. Being blessed with ambition and mental and emotional strength
22. Shoes- for practicality and fashion
23. Trees and the shade they provide
24. The beautiful southwestern sunsets
25. Longboards and skateboards, even though I never use them anymore
26. The mountains
27. The little gut that I have left over from having a baby. And eating junk food.
28. The friends I have made from a simple crossed path
29. Onion and garlic salt- I think I season everything with it
30. Pictures
31. Being able to work for my family, even though I miss them when I'm gone
32. Kisses and hugs
33. Super Mario Brothers
34. Sheridan's unborn baby- a new future addition to the Hargrove & Sikora side!
35. Books- especially books with pictures
36. Knowing how to swim
37. Laws and how they protect us
38. The complexity of the human body. Proof that God exists.
39. My MacBook
40. The mind and how much knowledge it can contain
41. Confidence
42. Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream
43. CSI: Las Vegas
44. Bananas and how easily squishable they are so I can make baby food with them
45. Math- it was always my favorite subject.
46. Sudoku Puzzles
47. Cops and other authorities who keep us safe from harm
48. The prophet, President Thomas S. Monson
49. The cold side of the pillow
50. Prenatal vitamins and how healthy they keep me
51. Titan's nap time- and when he sleeps for more than an hour and a half
52. Date nights with Derek
53. Prayer. I never run out of long distance minutes to Heavenly Father.
54. Temples and being worthy to enter them
55. A good wubbie (blanket) to cuddle up with
56. Ice in my cup with my beverage
57. Cilantro
58. Gummy worms from Sun Harvest
59. Being able to communicate in more than one language
60. My age
61. The old chairs my parents gave me since my $19.99 Ikea ones broke
62. The stars in the sky
63. Music
64. When somebody lets you go ahead of them in line
65. Dancing- and dancing goofy for Derek so he laughs
66. Peek-a-boo
67. The moon- especially when surrounded by clouds at night
68. Bright countenances
69. The Ensign
70. People who can relate to you
71. A good working pen
72. Visiting teachers
73. Vacations- and the opportunity to even go on them
74. Grandmas and grandpas
75. Bath time
76. 1990 Pennies
77. A cool breeze
78. Halloween
79. Picnics at the zoo
80. Christmas music
81. My J-Lo bum being gone. Thank you breastfeeding baby.
82. Remote controls
83. Socks with the grippers on the bottom
84. When things just fall into place (a.k.a. Heavenly Father worked it out for you)
85. Feety pajamas for Titan that keep him warm at night
86. Frozen food
87. Lady bugs
88. My diamond-less, $400 wedding band that I wouldn't trade for the world
89. Teething tablets, Orajel and Baby Tylenol
90. Being able to share all of my secrets with my best friend, who is also my spouse
91. Joseph Smith, for paving the way for the 13 million Latter-Day Saints today
92. Walks around the neighborhood
93. A good towel to dry off with after the shower
94. Being an Activity Days leader at church. I love those girls
95. Derek & Titan's wild bed head, inherited from Grandpa Porter
96. Taylor, Arizona and the amazing people that live there (See #97)
97. My in-laws!
98. The Reflections of Christ video
99. Being able to learn how to sew
100. The opportunity to be here, today...a woman, a mother, a daughter, a niece, grandchild, sister, wife, co-worker, advisor, and United States citizen.

These are so few of my many blessings and they are by no means in order of importance. This has been a wonderful thing to sit down and do. Hope you do it also! It's liberating.

Aaaaand...I'm thankful for you. Thanks for reading my blog. : )


  1. Loved this! It was a good reminder to me of so many of the wonderful things in life...

  2. Great list!!! I should try that sometime. It is a very long list and you think it would be hard to come up with 100 things, but at the same time we have SO MUCH to be grateful for! Neat. I love life.

  3. I like what you said about the Ensign in the waiting room. That is something I miss not being in Idaho and Utah anymore. I loved waiting in the offices and reading an Ensign.
