Friday, February 25, 2011

Slacky McSlackerton!

Holy slacker! I have been off the grid lately. No feisty Facebook status updates, no blog posts, no telling the world exactly what I think of everything. (That might be a good thing...)

Speaking of feisty- I am going to be making some major changes, people!

I decided I don't particularly love that I'm so strong minded. I mean, I'm the type that if I see someone litter, I would walk up to them, hand them their trash and show them to the trashcan. I would grab the e-brake and step out of my car in 5 o'clock traffic if some moron almost made me crash by cutting me off. The type who would force people to speak English to me because hey- we live in America, don't be tryin to speak to me in Spanish! (Even though I know it. Rude? Eh, maybe.) But that's the thing. If I feel strongly about something, I will defend it to the death. In fact, I had this dream once. It's hilarious.

Derek and I were hanging out downstairs in our kitchen when 3 twenty-somethings came in and started to rob him. I grabbed one of the guys by the hair, swung him around and cracked his skull against the wall corner, knocking him out. Isn't that wild? I could feel the adrenaline rushing through me in my dream. But the crazy thing is, I would really do this! If a robber ever came into my house, or if someone held me at gunpoint, I honestly HONESTLY do not think I would care. I would have too much anger and feisty-ness inside me to just sit there. I would beat the guy to the ground! All 108 pounds of me!

So, I'm going to try and not be so crazy. I'm going to let people be rude to me and only in extreme cases defend myself. I'm going to let things roll off my back like I used to. Nothing will be a biggie and nothing will stress me out. Think I could do it?!

Oh and I'm going to try and drink more water. Those are my goals.


  1. ha, your dream is hilarious. i totally have those crazy dreams too where they feel so real.
    those are good goals lauren :) i do think it's important though to not totally change who we are, just fine-tune our qualities because they are what define us. and i think your courage and confidence is really inspiring. everything in moderation though right?
    i like your hair in that photo, it's really pretty :)

  2. Lauren you weigh 180 lbs....
    I used to....then baby Rohnan and I am just 10ish lbs over that but ugh...My pre pregnancy pants are tight...I need to excersie but I am not a big excersier...(however you spell that word)I have excerised once this week & Man am I sore...

  3. thanks for the comment on my blog! Um please don't change. I wish I could be more like you (and my feisty mom...) Their have been so many times when someone has wronged me and I never said anything and to this day it still harbors within me and it makes me mad. I will never forget the church basketball game where you chucked the ball in Caitlin Eldridge's face haha tooo funny!

  4. Lar, people like you get ahead in life cuz you are willing to say something. I always let things slide and then I get mad cuz I am a softie. Oh well. Good goals..especially the H2O goal!!!
