Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's Start Over...

I failed. And I failed miserably.

My attempt to not be so feisty has been hard...and it finally came to an end.


I was stopped at a red light when I saw a kid throw paper after paper out his window and onto the street (I think they were receipts).

My feisty big black-woman like attitude burst out of my little body and I'm sure the words in my head went something like, "Oh HEEEEEE** NO".

I LAID my hand on my horn for a good couple of seconds just before rolling down my window and yelling, "Hey!!!!!!!!! It's called
a TRASHCAN you MORON!" and I laid on my horn yet again.

The sassy little 10th ish grader rolled up his window and his friend waved at me through the sunroof.

This is when I flipped them off.

Then turned into the church parking lot for Activity Days.



  1. Bah aha ha hahahaha ha ahaha. Oh my. That made me laugh.

  2. Lol! For reals though, I would have wanted to do the same thing. I don't know if I actually would have but props to you! I like the sassy pants black lady!

  3. hahahahahah
    people should NOT litter though! thanks for tell them off. i would've.

  4. Lauren, you're funny! I never knew you were like that!

  5. naughty Lauren....
    I think it is El Paso that gets the best of you & Sher... :0!
    Good thing you both are leaving.

  6. Oh man.. I have never seen people litter so badly as I did in El Paso. Seriously. And your story had me seriously laughing! Loved it!

  7. You need to ask my mom the last time she flipped someone off. That's how she found out she was pregnant with Steffan.

  8. ut oh. you know what happens when you use that finger???? me neither. did they have an "out of the country" license plate????!!!!

  9. Lauren!!! It's Natalie! This is the best blog post ever. I love that you flipped them off before teaching achievement days, because that shows that you are human. I hope you guys are doing soooo great. Lets talk soon, I think you and I take the cake for being not so good at keeping in touch with eachother.
