Saturday, March 19, 2011

Round is a shape.

Guys, I'm getting into shape. That's it. No more laying around at night eating Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream and having quesadillas with Taco Bell sauce for lunch. Okay actually, I have almost a full pint in the freezer that I'd never let go to waste and I don't technically believe in diets so I'm just going to be working out more often. Plus- exercising gives you energy, which everyone could use more of right? Right.

And while I'm exercising and not dieting, Derek is doing the opposite. He is on a new diet. He cooks bacon almost every morning and makes himself eggs (cooked in the bacon grease of course). For lunch he digs into a huge steak that has been marinating for at least 48 hours in a special sauce he concocted, then vacuum sealed with his favorite Food Saver kit. (If you didn't already know, my husband lives a secret life of Betty Crocker** (See picture)

He scopes out the aisles at Sears looking for his perfect new skillet, goes to the cooking store at the outlet mall to look for a set of wooden spoons that he'd been dreaming of, looks online for new burger recipes, and yadda yadda. The man is a pro. Eating his meals are like eating out every night. It's wonderful. But I'm getting off onto a tangent here...

Derek eats everything everyone else on a diet wouldn't touch. And in the last month he has lost 17 pounds. Amazing! When he works out a ton or does the Special K diet, does P90X with the diet guide, tries eating less doesn't work. But he's doing the no-carb, all meat diet and apparently it's working awesome for him. I'm convinced if I did it, I'd end up the same size as him and he's a good 100+ pounds more than me so I think I'll just do my sit ups before bed and call it good.

By the way, I think I've been living in El Paso waaaaaay too long. I just turned to Derek and asked, "Hey, how much pounds have you losed?" My IQ goes down with each day I'm here. Poor El Paso.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go with the exercise thing, I always feel better when I exercise too. It is true about living in El Paso you get stupider hehe, I am feeling it.
