Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bringin sexy back.

Obviously these pictures aren't of us, but they illustrate our lives as of late. And how sweet a dad Derek is.

If you didn't know, for the last 8 months, I have been a working mom.

And for the last 8 months, Derek has been a stay-at-home dad.

Quite the flip-flop at first! By the time we leave here and move to Georgia, Derek will have been a longer stay-at-home-parent than I was. Therefore, he has the final say on anything in the house. Our home is his office! He does the dishes every day. He grocery shops every Tuesday. Laundry every Wednesday and random chores in between. He created his own schedule- so by now I just know what to expect! This is how I view Derek...

Hey, hey, hey...take it easy.

I feel like he is a better mom than I have ever been. Titan naps like a champ, plays outside in the sand, goes on walks with Derek, sometimes meets me at work to take me to lunch, he always looks spiffy, does his push-ups every morning, sticks to his diet...etc, etc. WOW. What mom can say they do all of that and have a huge smile on their face at the end of the day? I think I am being held to a high standard here. There were days I wouldn't even get out of my P.J.'s! Now I'm wearing pencil skirts and button up dress shirts while looking over resumes to find a new hire. Like I said, quite the flip flop!

In these last 8 months I've learned that:

*No matter how many children you have, or what you have going in your life, you are still you. You can be on a city league soccer team, ride motorcycles, go sky diving, write a book, learn a new instrument, take classes online, or do whatever it is you like. Being a mom adds a badge to your sash, it doesn't strip all the others away.

*Kids will grow up no matter how much you worry. And they grow up fast, so never wish a stage away. Live it up and laugh about it. You will miss the messy one year old when you have a screaming teenager.

*Don't let your children run YOU. I used to be so afraid of Titan. "What if he wakes up? What if he cries? What if, what if, what if???" and I'd stress over those stupid what-if's. You're the boss. Remember that.

*8 hours at the office is no easier than 8 hours at home. Give a little to get a little.

*Keep the fire alive. Titan woke up and I looked over to see Derek with his mouth hanging wide open and he was fast asleep. So I got up quietly to let him keep sleeping. When he stumbled out of bed and into the kitchen, one of the legs of his shorts was all hiked up and one sleeve was all scrunched up- he looked like he stepped out of a tornado. I saw him, smiled and motioned him over to give him a big good-morning squeeze. No matter what my Mr. Mom looks like, he will always be sexy. In fact, he may be even sexier now that his domestic side has been exposed!

*My family is everything to me! If the whole world passed away and it was just us 3, I wouldn't complain for a second.


  1. that's really cool that and derek got to switch roles.

  2. This is awesome. Me and Cam are loving it. I especially like your first quote of advise that you are still you even when you become a parent. I don't have my own kids yet and that's a secret fear of mine!

  3. how cute! you both are great parents. it's fun to switch places to put yourself in the others shoes for a while. i was working and putting tan through school it was hard, but it gave me a taste to see what it'd be like for him to go to work everyday when we have kids if one of us gets to stay home. Derek is a good dad!!
