Thursday, April 28, 2011

Intelligence For Your Life

I was thinking the other day about how many things there are about me that are strange. Would you like to know? Ok I'll tell you anyways.

1. I've never had my nails done. I always thought I'd feel really stupid with them, because...I just would?
2. When I have a hangnail, I run it across the seem on the inside of my t-shirt sleeve until it gets caught and rips it down until my finger bleeds. (Masochistic!) That one just screams "weirdo".
3. I had my braces taken off 2 weeks early because I was going on a senior vacation and just couldn't stand having them on for one more big event! So now I get meat and all kinds of goodies stuck in between certain teeth. I haaaaate meat in my teeth!
4. I can't handle having dry hands and feet. If my feet are so dry that I can't even put them on the carpet, I'll pause whatever I'm doing just to go rub lotion on my feet and then I can carry on. I(Same with bare feet on cement...I CAN'T STAND IT! I put socks on.)
5. I can't touch velvety things or microfiber-like things. Makes me choke.
6. I like popping things. Like zits. Gross to you, fun for me.
7. When I cut my hair, I go about 3 years until I cut it again. Even a trim. I'm not crunchy or anything (well, sometimes I am), but I just get lazy or decide to grow my hair out and then before I know it, it's down to my booty.
8. My favorite types of movies are action movies. Although, I do enjoy romantic comedies from time to time. I think Derek definitely got a sweet deal with that one. He never has to drag me to a movie he wants to see.
9. I am the most easily carsick person you'll meet.
10. I have an infatuation with men's ties.
11. I have always loved math and numbers, so growing up and having a digital clock, I would always do math equations. For example, if my clock said 8:42- I would say 8+4+2=14. 8x4 %2= 16. 8-4+2=6. Etc.
12. I've always liked even numbers and never cared for odd ones.
13. Oceans make me nervous.
14. I had a hallucination period when I was about 15 where every time I turned around I heard, "Lauren", "Lauren", "Lauren" in my ear and I would see things that weren't actually there. It was then that I decided never to watch another scary movie. I think I've only seen one since.
15. I don't like diamonds. At least, not on my wedding ring. Maybe someday I'll change my mind.

I'm sure there are a hundred more. What's weird about you!?


  1. oh i am plenty weird. i do the same thing with the clock. i count fence posts or power lines when we drive long distances, or windows in town. i can't sleep with dirty feet or dry hands. i like the feeling of a sore muscle. i'm weird. i have a whole list. i'm also very OCD. like diagnosed so i check the stove and front door locks over and over.

  2. those are all interesting and funny. i like learning about people's little quirks. i'm the same way about dry hand and feet. when my feet are dry though my hand get really sweaty and vice versa. don't know why...i try to catch it before it happens though and just put lotion on haha.

  3. ha ha ha these are so funny and a lot of them are things I am weird about too. I have a list a mile long.....but you already know that!!!

  4. Very interesting. I am very sensitive to touch as well. I will NOT touch raw meat, fake animal fur/skin, or real furs. All of the above make me gag. I also pick at my nails until they bleed no matter how painful it is. The need to get the nail or dead skin is the most important thing. I don't think about the pain until after!

  5. you are so funny! i love your "weird" traits!
    i totally agree with the micro fiber stuff.. blahhhhhh
    and i wish i had your hair :)
    so where will you guys be moving to first?

  6. You are so hilarious! The microfiber/velvet comment is by far my favorite.
