Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Vroom vroomin

Now just HOLD ON, PEEPS. Before you go on JUDGING (Mom!), please stop and think for a minute. Isn't this awesome? A few years ago Derek tried teaching me to ride this guy and it was just too heavy. Now that I've got a little post-preggo weight on me, I asked him to teach me again. I took it out on the road and loved it! And I handled all 365 pounds of it by myself! Please tell me you think that's cool...even if you judge a little.


  1. Lauren - I'm such a judger...
    I dislike motorycyles a ton! Nate got one & I disliked it (before & after) and after having it for 3ish months he sold it. Due to me not being able to ride it and me not being happy about it. I gave him "rules" he could not drive on the freeway, he had to wear his helmet, and if he almost got in a wreck he would sell it...nothing ever happened but I just DO NOT trust other drivers....that is all I gotta say about it...(maybe that is too much - sorry) :0!

  2. as Ron Burgandy said it best "i'm not even mad, i'm impressed, that's amazing!" hahaha that's way cool you can do that! i don't think i'd ever have the balls to ride a motorcycle!

  3. I love it! I think it's awesome, i'm jealous!
    now you just need some really hot leather pants too!

  4. ha ha ha ha ha ooooo yes, yes, I AM a judger but I have a right to be..I'm a MOM!! When your sweet babies start doing crazy things, you'll judge too!!! AND NO I am NOT preggo..if that were the case I think I myself would climb on that motorcycle and go as fast as I could !!!!
