Friday, April 9, 2010

I died.

So, I just noticed I haven't put a new post on here since August 14th of 2009! Well, here we are, our new family of 3 and it's already April of 2010. I can't even believe how fast time flies. Even saying "2010" sounds like we should all be in flying cars or something extremely futuristic. We had little baby Titan on January 7 of this year, and he weighed a whopping 6 pounds, 3 ounces. Needless to say, he was a shrimp! He is over 3 months old now and still wears newborn clothes. He stands up well, holds his head up well and actually takes steps when you hold his hands! It's amazing! All the things he does now, I didn't do until I was 8 months old!
Having a baby was definitely nothing like I expected. Labor was the worst pain I've ever been in, and delivery was the exact opposite. I had the epidural pretty late into my laboring and once it kicked in, I felt like a million bucks. I was up and walking to the bathroom an hour after delivery. Titan was an angel, he always has been. But he's been the world's worst eater. Derek swears that if we were in the pioneer days, he'd have died of starvation. I can't explain how difficult life is with a newborn, even when your baby is an angel. I learned that postpartum depression is NOT something you control, and it's NOT just for lunatics. Haha. I learned that you need 2 things 24/7 after your pregnancy: your husband and your mom. I learned that breastfeeding is a thousand times harder than people make it seem and that not all babies just "pick it up". I learned that getting up early and trying to live your normal life like before, going to the gym when your baby is 5 days old, and trying to fit back into all your normal clothes right away are things you SHOULDN'T try. But I also learned that when the dust settles and you regain your energy, and you see your baby smile at you for the first time, it's all worth that hard work and selflessness.
Derek is still working for Unishippers, he is the world's best manager ever. We're hoping this business really takes off and allows us the freedom of living wherever we'd like. Although El Paso is no paradise, it's great being close to family and living in a safe place. Besides the beef I have with lazy hispanics not learning English, El Paso is a great place to be. For now. : ) Being a stay-at-home mom gets boring at times, especially when all you want to do is play with your husband all day long. But we're planning a cruise this November for our 2 year anniversary. (I can't believe it's been 2 years! The honeymoon phase has yet to pass). We keep spare cash and coins in a Mason jar and decided to count it last night. We have almost $500 dollars in our jar! We've called it our "Cruise Fund" this whole time. We're looking forward to this getaway but my heart will break when I say bye to my baby for a week. I'm not sure I can do it so easily!
The 3 of us went to Avila's for dinner tonight and ate some delicious Mexican food! And we decided to give into our temptation of buying a Wii, so we went to Best Buy and hooked ourselves up with everything we need. It's now past midnight and we're still playing! It just might be in my best interest to go to bed before the 4:50 am feeding...

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