Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hargrove Fun Fun Fun

We love our little family. Derek is still working for Unishippers- they hired 2 new people (finally) so there has been much more progress than usual! I'm sure the business will thrive in the near future! Titan is driving us slightly crazy these last few days. I think infancy is a sick joke at times. He was sleeping through the night for a little over a month and then this past week he has decided to wake up at 2 am. The other night he woke up 4 times between 2 and 3 am. Then again at 4:30 and finally at 5:12. Hmmm. Think anyone was grouchy the next morning? I think 3 of us were! I have to keep in mind that if I'M not sleeping then neither is the baby. So if I can't function without on Earth can he?! I am a firm believer in Becoming Baby Wise and I'm very faithful with my schedule on feeding, wake time and naps. The book says that Titan is probably just going through a growth spurt & is getting hungry in the middle of the night. HOWEVER...all it ever takes is him getting his binky back in his mouth for him to fall back asleep. I'm convinced that if he was starved, he'd scream the entire time until I fed him. It's pure lunacy & I'm in need of some tips. So please, if you have any for me, I'd consider all options in order to save my sanity. And the sanity of my husband, of course. : ) Being a mom is growing on me, I suppose. It wasn't one of those things that came so easily and naturally for me. I sometimes get lonely during the days and the weather isn't always so stellar to be going for a walk or playing outside. I can only watch Baby Einstein and read "Moo! I'm a Cow!" so many times before I'm done with that for a while. I sometimes play the Wii during the day but if my Mario dies too many times in a row, I quit out of frustration. When I play that game, I get really nervous for some reason. My feet start to sweat 9 out of 10 times. Please...don't ask me why. Needless to say, I miss the alone time with my OTHER baby. We are planning a week long cruise later this year (thanks Mom for offering to keep your pal for a week) and we are looking forward to it very much! We love our little man, but the love that created him started with Derek & I and so that love must stay the strongest of all! No matter how many kids our future holds for this Hargrove family, Derek always comes first. I'm so glad for that, too. He is my best friend and I couldn't have been dealt a better hand of cards in life.

Somebody got a little sleepy.

I walked into the living room to find my boys sitting like this. Derek is playing Mario Brothers on our Wii while Titan is entranced in his Bumbo chair.

This is my extremely handsome husband in his work attire. I made him pose for me before heading out the door. I could look at him all day long. : )

Titan is a sweet little boy, we sure do love him to pieces. What I'm doing in this picture is what I do all day long. I can't get enough of those fluffy, flawless cheeks!

This is our most recent family photo! As you can see, we are all wearing very fancy clothes and we are in a studio. Also, it was taken by a professional photographer and we paid alot of money to get this photo, so we hope you like it. Okay, we all know that isn't the case & to be honest, I'm not sure how on Earth these cute moms muster up the energy to go out and get professional photos done with their itty bitty newborn babies. I looooove those pictures but looking back on when T-man was a small(er) fry, I couldn't have imagined finding the time for that. I guess I'm a wimpy mom.

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