Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Time Has Come...

The other day I found myself roasting in our apartment, even with all of the windows open, along with the balcony door. Two ceiling fans were also on & I wondered how in the world it was still so hot. Derek says to me, "you can turn on the air conditioner." Well, although that does seem like the obvious answer, I then replied, "Well, I'm in denial. I just don't think it's right that the weather changes from winter to summer. I feel like, since it's APRIL, I should just be able to open my windows and enjoy the cool air outside." Since that "cool outside air" is actually making my apartment STUFFY, I decided Derek is right. The time had finally turn on the AC. What finally did it for me was peeking in on poor Titan during his nap and seeing his face all red from the heat, but still sound asleep. I've spoiled the child...when he naps I lay him on his tummy, give him his beloved binky and put a wubby over his back. I don't mind the spoilage in this case, because he usually goes straight to sleep; super easy. Derek and I decided to stay in El Paso a while longer, after beginning to pursue our dream of moving to the A.Z. We think Unishippers will end up being a great business to be involved in one day and if we can make it work, it will be a huge benefit to us. But after the heat I've experienced these past few days, I'm glad it's only 90 here and not 110 degrees.

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