Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Very Good Conflict of Interest

Yesterday, Derek offered me a job. His boss asked him to ask me if I'd be willing to do some data entry for their company. Well, Derek is the manager over all of the employees. This would make my husband my boss. I think I could get used to this idea... The only thing is (and I'm willing to admit it), am I sure I'll ever get anything done with him around? I mean, look at these faces. We are so guilty. (In this picture, Derek took me out near our apartment complex to shoot soda bottles with rocks and REAL sling shots. See? We reek havoc together.)

The only other thing is, I'd be towing this little guy around. Now I'm REALLY not going to be getting anything done. He is always blowing bubbles, chit chatting, trying to sit up by himself, rolling around, talking (loudly) and flinging his binky all over the place. He definitely keeps me entertained. I love him to death!

I am so glad I have my two boys to keep me busy all the time. So the question is, am I busy enough or should I take this job? If nothing else, I'd love to just tell people my hunky hubby is my jefe. : )

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