Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh, To Be A Hargrove By Birth...


There are certain qualities Hargroves just have. Now, whether those qualities are given you by birth, or attained by marriage are two totally different things. Here we go.

Hargrove By Birth:
1.You can eat sugar cubes for breakfast, lunch & dinner and never get a cavity.
2. You can down a liter of Dr. Pepper when your brothers squeeze it down your throat while you drive, as to not get Dr. Pepper on your shirt or in your car.
3. You thoroughly enjoy the bottom of your feet being scratched and it DOES NOT tickle. It's "relaxing".
4. Every bone in your body may be popped and you won't feel a thing. Also a very rejuvenating activity.
5. Can cook like a chef. Everything you make tastes good- from Ramen noodles and cheese crisps to Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.
6. Can bust open an Otter Pop in a fraction of a second by ripping the top off with your molars.
7. You snore like a weed-whacker (according to Derek). I've yet to hear every Hargrove snore like this.

Hargrove By Marriage:

1. All of the sudden you find yourself dinking over cups of orange juice & water.
2. When trying to tip toe and not wake the baby, something, ANYTHING, you touch falls & makes a ruckus.
3. You find yourself sitting down in the shower and ending up there for a half hour.

Let me just tell you, though. I wouldn't trade being a Hargrove by marriage for anything. I love my last name, I love my in-laws & I love these goofy qualities I've inherited by being a Hargrove by marriage.

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